Coronavirus response in brief


Food is available for SH students

NEW PALESTINE — Southern Hancock will be feeding children who are on the district’s free and reduced-price lunch programs from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. daily at New Palestine High School.

“We’ve contacted them to let them know that’s available,” community relations director Wes Anderson said.

Officials decided to open up the high school for children in the hunger program based on guidelines from the Indiana Department of Education.

“We just want to get the word out that we’re helping those families,” Anderson said.

Unemployment insurance available

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Workforce Development is reminding those who are losing jobs because of the coronavirus precautions that they can apply for unemployment insurance benefits electronically.

For more information on unemployment insurance, visit There, Hoosiers can find the Claimant Handbook, Frequently Asked Questions, a link to online filing and more information. Please visit this site frequently with updated information.

Ricks Centre cancels upcoming events

GREENFIELD — On Tuesday, the H.J. Ricks Centre for the Arts issued a news release stating the theater had received cancellation notices for several upcoming events scheduled in the coming weeks.

“While the Ricks Centre Board of Directors has not at this point formally closed the facility, it does anticipate that additional cancellations are likely,” read the statement, prepared by theater manager Dave Scott.

Patrons of the downtown Greenfield theater are asked to check the theater’s website at for information regarding upcoming events. “The website will be updated as cancellations are received,” said Scott.

Friends of Theater cancels fundraiser

GREENFIELD — Fresh off the success of refurbishing the marquee at the H.J. Ricks Center for the Arts in downtown Greenfield, members of Friends of the Theater were looking forward to having a fundraising event at Carnegie’s this Saturday night.

The event was postponed indefinitely as of Monday.

“Friends of the Theater is lucky to have wonderful community support, and we were excited to partner with Carnegie’s to create a special night for those supporters,” said Noelle Russell, president of the group. “But realistically, we can’t put a new date on the calendar knowing how much quickly this situation is changing. No one can keep up with how quickly this is evolving. The only safe thing to do is to take a step back, watch and wait. Of course, we’re disappointed to have to cancel, but we’d be infinitely more upset if we had any part in spreading a deadly virus to put on a fundraiser.”