Restaurant Inspections – March 4


food safety reports

The Hancock County Health Department inspects restaurants four times annually and violations are determined as “C” for critical, “NC” for noncritical and “R” for repeated violations. The following inspections are based on information obtained from Retail Food Inspection Reports.

Jan. 14

Avi Food Systems

Location: 5593 W. U.S. Highway 40, Greenfield

Type of Inspection: Routine

No violations found.

Griggsby’s Station

Location: 101 W. Main St., Greenfield

Type of Inspection: Routine

Violations found: C — employee observed touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands, corrected; NC — floors have debris under equipment in kitchen, coving has come off in some areas of the kitchen, to be corrected by April 1.

Penn Station

Location: 1667 N. State St., Greenfield

Type of Inspection: Routine

Violations found: NC — maintain thermometers in all refrigeration units, to be corrected by April 1; NC/R5 — repair/replace cutting boards when they become discolored with black cut marks, to be corrected by April 1.