Defendants sentenced in felony cases

Jayden Haddock had his 3 year sentence converted to the county’s heroin protocol program. By Kristy Deer | Daily Reporter/[email protected]/

GREENFIELD — Two defendants in unrelated felony cases wound up with lesser sentences after appearing in court late last week.

In the first case, a California man who was facing multiple felony drug charges was sentenced to 180 days in the Hancock County Jail as part of a plea agreement. Trenton Dunn, 25, pleaded guilty to a Level 5 felony charge of conspiracy to deal in hashish oil. In addition to the six months in jail, a total of 915 days was suspended to probation by Judge Scott Sirk in Hancock County Circuit Court.

Dunn’s probation will be transferred to Louisiana, where his family lives, upon completion of executed time and payment of probation fees.

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As part of the plea agreement, two related charges — a Level 5 felony and a Class A misdemeanor — were dismissed.

In another circuit court sentence from Thursday, Jan. 30, a man accused of felony auto theft was sentenced to probation via the county’s heroin protocol program.

Jayden Haddock, 24, Indianapolis, was found guilty of a Level 5 felony charge of auto theft and was sentenced to three years in prison, but all 3 years were suspended to probation by Sirk.

Haddock was ordered to complete the heroin protocol, which is a form of probation that includes treatment. He is scheduled to be released from the Hancock County Jail on Wednesday, Feb. 5, after which he is supposed to report to a halfway house/treatment facility.

A Class A misdemeanor charge of theft was dismissed.