LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Beautification projects are a waste of money

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Letter to the editor:

I am at a loss for words. So, our streets need improvements tremendously. But when the county starts talking about beautification for our streets, it makes me come undone. We have way over-congested highways, State Road 9 and U.S. 40. And the town is now talking about taking away our roads for beautification? What is wrong with this picture? We need our roads fixed, not reduced and congested.

So, we will be down to a one way highway on U.S. 40 due to a turning lane and bike lanes, and on State Road 9 they are going to take our turn lanes from us and place medians on them so everyone has to make u-turns or go past their point of destination and backtrack.

None of this makes sense when we already have congested roads. What happened to that bypass that never happened? What happened to the taxpayers having a say here? This is the most ridiculous waste of taxpayers’ money. I, for one, would like a recount on those votes.

Angel Robbins
