Off the Shelves – May 23



New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following items are available at Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

{span style=”text-decoration: underline;”}Adult Fiction{/span}

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“Those Who Knew” by Idra Novey

On an unnamed island country 10 years after the collapse of a U.S.-supported regime, Lena suspects the powerful senator she was involved with back in her student activist days is taking advantage of a young woman who’s been introducing him at rallies. When the young woman ends up dead, Lena revisits her own fraught history with the senator and the violent incident that ended their relationship. Why didn’t Lena speak up then, and will her family’s support of the former regime still impact her credibility? And what if her hunch about this young woman’s death is wrong?

{span style=”text-decoration: underline;”}Adult Nonfiction{/span}

“The Man I Never Met” by Adam Schefter

On Sept. 11, 2001, Joe Maio went to work in the north tower of the World Trade Center. He never returned, leaving behind his wife, Sharri, and 15-month-old son, Devon. Five years later, Sharri remarried to Adam Schefter, and Devon welcomed a new dad into his life. For thousands, the whole country really, 9/11 is a day of grief. For Adam and Sharri Maio Schefter and their family, it’s not just a day of grief, but also hope. This is a story of 9/11, but it’s also the story of 9/12 and all the days after. Life moved on. Pieces were picked up. New dreams were dreamed. The Schefters are the embodiment of that. “The Man I Never Met” gives voice to all those who have chosen to keep living. It’s gratifying and beautiful narrative, but also messy and hard like life. Every year, on that one day, history comes roaring back. How do you embrace that? How do you honor that?