Greenfield man accused of selling tainted drugs


GREENFIELD — The Greenfield Police Department have arrested a man on suspicion of selling synthetic marijuana to a number of people who overdoseed on it.

Nicholas Wagoner, 31, 400 block of East Main Street, Greenfield, was officially charged Thursday with two Level 6 felony charges of selling a substance or look-alike drug substance. He also faces a misdemeanor charge of possession.

Local law enforcement began receiving several calls and complaints of spice being sold in Greenfield, causing people to overdose. Spice is a synthetic marijuana that is illegal to possess, or sell.

The substance was laced with an unknown chemical, causing people to overdose and have to be taken to the hospital, Detective Randy Ratliff said.

Officials have confirmed three overdoses. Two others are suspected, Ratliff said.

Victims of the overdoses acted out strangely, officials said. Police had one odd report of a person lying in a roadway. When officers investigated, they found the person crawling along the edge of the street, growling like a dog.

Detectives spoke to community members and discovered a man was was selling spice out of a home in the 400 block of East Main Street.

After an investigation, detectives obtained a search warrant for Wagoner’s residence. During the execution of the warrant, officers located approximately 50 grams of spice, scales and ledgers.

Since Wagoner has been arrested, police said, they’ve heard of no other overdoses.

This is the second time Wagoner has been accused of dealing drugs in Greenfield. He was charged and convicted of dealing, a Level 6 felony, in 2017.