Lowder running for second city council term


GREENFIELD — A Greenfield city councilman says he’s enjoyed seeing the city grow over his first term in office and will work to keep up that momentum if voters re-elect him to represent the west side of town.

Jeff Lowder, who was elected to his first term on the council in 2015, is so far unopposed in the spring’s Republican primary race. He also ran in an uncontested race for the District 4 seat four years ago.

The deadline to file to run in the May 7 primary is noon Friday.

Lowder, who will turn 72 in March, said over three years in office he’s witnessed Greenfield bring in and expand businesses, such as BeijingWest Industries and Avery Dennison — companies that have agreed to make Greenfield home thanks to city tax breaks. He said the city has also improved its utilities and roads.

The No. 1 priority for the city council, Lowder said, is to balance the annual budget, making sure department heads have adequate funding while also keeping in mind the needs of city taxpayers.

“It’s really keeping up on what other people are accomplishing in the city," Lowder said of his role on the council, "and trying to make sure we have the finances for (departments) to do their jobs.”

Lowder, a retired project supervisor for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, previously served as the Center Township trustee from 2003 to 2006. While working for the state, Lowder said he concentrated on creating contracts with companies and the DNR as well as public relations with area residents.

"A lot of the skills that I gained in the private sector just translated into the public sector," Lowder said.

If elected to a second term, Lowder said he will assist in updating the city’s comprehensive plan, prioritizing projects and determining available funding while also balancing those plans with the Stellar Communities program. City officials over the next four years will focus on how to use up to $15 million in grants offered through Stellar — split between Greenfield, Fortville and Hancock County.

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Age: 71

Party: Republican

Occupation: Retired project supervisor for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources

Political experience: Center Township trustee 2003-2006

Family: Wife Robin, 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren
