Playing opossum


70 million years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth; they are gone, but one of their companions remains: the opossum. The ones we have around here are the Virginia opossum.

The only North American marsupial, the name is either Algonquian for “white animal” or Powhatan for “white dog” or “dog-like beast.” The Virginia opossum is found from Canada south to Central America. Once only found in the eastern United States, it moved with the pioneers westward. Some were shipped to the west coast during the depression to help provide food.

The opossum is an opportunistic omnivore. Its favorite foods include: carrion, small vertebrates, small amphibians, insects, garbage, eggs, persimmons, fruits, and berries.

The males are called “jacks”, the females are “jills” the young are “joeys” and a group of opossums are known as a “passel.” They are a nocturnal animal and they do not hibernate.

Gestation period is only 12-14 days, often birth is given to a very large number of young who must travel to the pouch to survive, most don’t make it. The number that do make it can be up to twelve. The young are weaned between 70 and 125 days when they leave the pouch. They don’t leave the mothers’ area for a couple of months.

Due to the large number of predators, the average life span is only 1 to 2 years in the wild. In captivity they may live up to 4 years.

They are usually solitary and nomadic, staying in one area but only as long as food and water are easily available. They tend to group together during mating season and prefer not to dig their own burrow but will inhabit ready-made burrows, under houses and barns, any place that is dark, including your attic — but only once raccoons or squirrels have already made an access hole.

Contrary to popular belief most opossums do not hang by their tail after being grown. The tail is used to help them climb trees, and sometimes to carry leaves to the nest however, the young sometimes do hang by the tail from branches of trees.

When threatened they will “play opossum” by mimicking the appearance and smell of a sick or dead animal. This response is involuntary rather than a choice. During this time (that can last from a few minutes to 4 hours) the lips are drawn back, teeth are bared, it foams around the mouth, the eyes are closed, or half closed, and it secretes a four-smelling liquid. During this time, you can prod it, turn it over and even carry it away without any reaction from the animal.

The animal was once widely hunted and consumed; in the past there were opossum farms throughout the US. Sweet potatoes were generally served with opossum. As a side note I prefer squirrel or rattlesnake to opossum but to each his own.

Males opossums will growl deeply, raising the pitch means the threat is more urgent. Baby opossums will make a sneezing noise when separated or distressed to call their mother. The mother will then make a clicking sound and waits for the baby to find her.

If you really like these animals there is always (no kidding!) the Opossum Society of the United States. There are also rescue groups for orphaned babies.