Letter: Letter writer overlooked VFW’s community service


To the editor:

I am writing at this time with regard to the letter written by Lois M. Coe (“Public had time to question fairgrounds, June 4-6, A4). My name is Walter Baran, and I am the commander of VFW Post 2693. In Ms. Coe’s letter, she states that the VFW is a “drinking hole.”

I would like to rebut that statement. Although there is a canteen located in the building across the street from the fairgrounds, we are so much more than that. We offer scholarships to local school children; we actively operate Clothe a Child, providing clothing and needs to children in the community that need help; we provide assistance to needy veterans; we provide assistance to the Path Home, an organization that assists veterans in need. There are many members who are part of the Hancock County Honor Guard, which assists in rendering proper rites for a deceased veteran or military member. We partner with the local schools and organizations to provide help with their programs honoring veterans.

There have not been any problems relating to the canteen in more than 20 years. I feel that it is unfair for us as a VFW post to be referred to as a “drinking hole.” I would personally like to invite Ms. Coe, or anyone else in the community that is concerned about our post, to contact me with any questions or to hear more about our community involvement.

Walter J. Baran Jr.


VFW Post 2693, Greenfield